
Biggar Golf Club Juniors 

Are your interested in getting into golf? The club run a junior section with regular Friday night coaching sessions that run from 6pm - 7:30pm. The age range is 7 -15 years and the emphasis is to provide a fun environment for juniors to learn and experience the game of golf. If you do not own a set of golf clubs, the club have 20 sets of junior clubs available to loan (in various sizes) to junior members for the duration of the season. We require a £25 deposit that will be refunded on return of the clubs.

Last season we entered the Sotttish Golf Sixes league. The GolfSixes League is a team-based competition that gives juniors the experience of being part of a team and representing the club at beginner level. Dates for the 2025 fixtures will announced in due course.

  Biggar (home)   Date TBC
  Opposing Team TBC  (away)   Date TBC
  Opposing Team TBC  (away)   Date TBC


The cost to join our junior section is £5. Please complete the consent form below and email it or print it and hand it into to the club.

Consent Form

Volunteers - we are currently looking for individuals to help out with our junior section, if you wish to help please speak to a member of the club.


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